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Waking up in a new Dream

As we move into a fuller understanding of what Embodiment, Freedom and Autonomy means we are also faced with a greater responsibility regarding the use of our personal Energy.

Our personal Energy is a precious commodity.

How and where we spend our Energy determines the state of our wellbeing.

Our Energy is 'ours" only in as much as we receive it as a gift of Grace.

Our sense of Energy or wellbeing and vitality can so easily be dissipated through meaningless activity, or exhausted in the day-to-day rat race, with little Energy to spare for our loved-ones or the activities and interests we truly feel passionate about. Activities which nurture the field of Love and connection.

When we recirculate our Energy in ethical, meaningful and helpful ways we generate a powerful Current of Generosity.

This Current of Generosity connects us to the Greater Current of Generosity we see reflected in the Natural world all around us.

The Current of Generosity is actually imprinted in our crystalline DNA, it is our natural state, and it is our responsibility to keep our link in the golden chain of Generosity clear and bright.

Our Universe may be but one in an Ocean of unimaginably massive Universes, called the Multiverse or Cosmological Multiverse, according to Russian physicist Andrei Linde.

Scientists agree that the Universe expanded at mind-boggling speed at one time before it cooled and the simplest elements formed.

Another theory is that a period of inflation occurred which caused several separate bubble Universes to pop into existence, which are inflating and forming their own bubbles, developing in their own unique ways.

Our Galaxy is called the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars swirling within this enormous Milky Way Galaxy, whose boundary is 16 billion light-years away.

Yet, much of the Universe exists beyond the observable Universe, which is about 93 billion light-years across and expanding, similar to a balloon that is being blown up.

The whole Universe seems to be a wisdom-filled, self-regulating life-and-energy-abundant system.

The Universe we live in is a very abundant place, filled to the brim with Energy-rich substances, yet we often experience life as Energy-poor.

We live on a beautiful planet which was at one time teemed with natural life, forests, fish, clean water, abundant natural food and many species of plants and animals.

There was a time when humans and animals lived more harmoniously.

During this time humans were most likely not savage descendant from Primates, but consciously understood their vital role as connected humans interrelated with the web of life.

Our ancestors understood that one can not gain Life from lifeless substances.

Our ancestors may very well have been more connected to the Current-of-Gratitude than we can imagine today.

Yet, this connected picture of our human being-ness became covered by the dust of industrial and technological advancement, which is draining our vital energy and Current of Generous Connection.

Why is it that human beings often experience a lack of Energy while living in an Energy-Abundant Universe/Multiverse?

I believe this condition came about due to our disconnection from the Original Current of Gratitude which flows through nature towards us.

Yet, this disconnection is not actually possible, because without this connection to the Ultimate Source of Life and Energy, there would be no Life possible at all.

Without this connection "Life" would merely consist of reconstructed dead-matter without any real Vital Force present in it.

Our connection has merely been disrupted and interfered with, similar to objects being placed in it's flow-path in order to divert its natural course.

The inner Current of Gratitude can be re-activated, the blocks removed and the path to our original connection can be reclaimed.

In oder to Dream the Big Dreams of Life, with Life, to live according to our original blue-print, we have to take time to discover what the blocks to our personal Energy-Current is.

Where do we spend most of our Energy in relation to what we truly desire to do? Can we free up some time to reset and recalibrate our Energy?

How can we polish our link in the golden chain of Life's Energy Current in order to activate the memory inside our crystalline DNE and be who we were meant to BE on Earth?

If you Dare to Dream the Big Dream for your own and our collective wellbeing on Earth, a Dream that may reconstruct Paradise on Earth, improve our connectedness, heal our deepest wounds and activate our brilliance's as co-creative forces to be reckoned with, then Heartsong Healing Retreat is for you.

During this Retreat we will connect with other New Earth Architects who will support and uplift us, fill our emotional, physical and spiritual love-chalice, clear the path to our brilliance, face our deepest fears and resistance, which drain our energy and awareness, embody trust, integrate new life-lessons and move forward with joy and gratitude as our daily companions.





Captain Cook Hawaii

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