In the intricate dance of life, enzymes emerge as proteins, catalysts that fire up our metabolism and propel chemical reactions in our bodies. These building blocks shape muscles and tissues, connecting seamlessly like interlocking puzzle pieces. Enzymes, an essential aspect of all living things are present in the organic foods we eat.
Within the complex symphony of our digestive system, the pancreas plays a vital role, acting as one of the orchestrators, it responds to the triggered receptor signals along the duodenum wall. The pancreas responds by manufacturing and releasing counter-part enzymes which connect to the enzymes in the food we eat.
When we eat pasta, wheat or cookies the signalling sites get triggered and send a message to the Pancreas to release the enzyme amylase to digest the carbohydrates.
Similarly, the pancreas will release protease to digest the protein we eat, or lipase to digest fatty acids. Triggered by receptor signals along the duodenal wall, this powerhouse releases enzymes crucial for digestion, from amylase tackling carbohydrates to protease breaking down proteins and lipase handling fatty acids, our bodies, by nature, craft enzymes to aid digestion and assimilate nutrients.
This interconnected system also involves the spleen, working harmoniously with the pancreas. As we unravel the roles of each component, we'll delve into the liver and gallbladder, followed by the stomach and oesophagus in subsequent explorations.
The dance of enzymes requires a precise balance. Temperature and pH play pivotal roles; being too acidic or basic disrupts enzyme function. Imagine pepsin, an enzyme in the stomach, breaking down proteins. Without adequate stomach acid, pepsin falters. Likewise, optimal temperature ensures enzymatic reactions, while excessive heat halts their work. Embracing raw, organic food enhances our digestive system's functionality, supporting nutrient absorption.
Enzymes extend their influence far beyond digestion. From breathing to building muscle, maintaining nerve function, and eliminating toxins, they're our silent partners in holistic well-being. Each enzyme, with its unique "active site," collaborates with specific substrates, ensuring our body functions seamlessly.
As we explore the intricate world of enzymes, let's not forget the profound impact of mealtime verses. Earth Blessing, Thank You, Dear Earth, and The Silver Rain—these verses instil a sense of gratitude for the interconnectedness of life. Incorporating them into our meals transforms each bite into a celebration of nature's gifts.
When we consider the journey our food underwent before reaching our plate and how this nourishment is received by the body, to give us life, vitality and health, we become increasingly filled with gratitude before a meal.
Here are some mealtime verses to fortify our sense of gratitude. Gratitude affects the molecular structure of the water in the food we eat.
Earth Blessing
Earth, who gives to us this food,
Sun who makes it ripe and good,
Sun above and earth below,
Thanks for all that you bestow.
Thank you, Dear Earth
Thank you, dear earth, for the ground that I stand on.
Thank you dear sun for your warmth and your light.
Thank you, dear wind, for your pleasant, cool breezes.
Thank you, dear rain, for the cool of the night.
The Silver Rain
The silver rain, the shining sun,
The fields where scarlet poppies run,
And all the ripples of the wheat,
Are in the bread that I do eat.
So when I sit for every meal,
And say a grace I always feel,
I am eating rain and sun,
And fields where scarlet poppies run.
In a world driven by the relentless pace of life, let's pause to acknowledge the silent influencers within us—enzymes, the spark plugs of life. Through understanding, gratitude, and mindful eating, we unlock the power of these tiny yet mighty catalysts, shaping our journey toward holistic well-being.
