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The ones who fly beyond time

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

In Maori cosmology, whales are the descendants of Tangaroa, the god of the oceans.

Whales were reverred with awe as sared supernatural beings.

Whales appear in the migration legends Ancient traditional tribes

A rich history exists , which tell a story abouth human, whale and dolphin connections.

In Egyprian, where a great collection of whale fossils, around 40 million years old, are found at Wadi Al-Hitan-to Native American Orca stories.

To the Native American tribes the Orca symbolizes family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, communication and protection.

The Orca is also known as the Lord of the Ocean and the Guardian of the waters with Dolphins and Seals as their helpers.

The Aboriginal people of Australia have a very deep and long relationship with Whales and Dolphins.

The Whale is the totem of the Darkinjung people of the central coast of NSW.

Whales and Dolphins are warm blooded conscious beings.

Neuroanatomists and physiologists from the University of Cambridge gathered computational neuroscientific data, to reassess the neurobiological substrates of conscious experience.

Scientists concluded that humans are not unique in possessing neurological substrates that generate consciousness, not only are Whales and Dolphins conscious breathers, they live in complex social communities and form deep emotional bonds.

Whales and Dolphins are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and are sentient and sapient beings.

The same is true for octopi, birds, many different kinds of mammals and animals as put forward in the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness.

Orcas are actually part of the Dolphin family and are the largest of the Dolphin family.

Orcas can weigh up to 6 tonnes and grow to be 7-10 m long.

We find offshore, transient and resident Orca species that vary in size and food they prefer to eat.

Orcas are found all over the world, from Norway to South-Africa, Hawaii, to the Gulf of Mexico.

Orca family groups are led by a Matriarc, who teaches specific behaviours to her offspring.

Orcas even go through Menopause and Females can live up to 90 years, where Males live up to 60 years. Perhaps this is because the female elders have so much to teach the young ones.

Most Orca males never leave their mothers. The death of a mother is very traumatic, especially for an Orca male and they often die within 3 years after their mother. Orcas have the second heaviest brain among marine mammals.

The Sperm Whale has the largest brain, weighing on average 7.8kg.

The size of the brain evelved in order to be able to naviate the underwater world with sound and sound pictures.

Orcas possess excellent hearing and sight and navigate with eco-location to distinguish where objects are in relation to themselves, or to locate prey.

Whales and Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

This means one part of their brain is resting, while the other part is still alert and on the lookout for predators.

Dolphins and whales have to take each breath consciously.

They do not become unconscious while they sleep, like humans do.

We can learn a lot from Dolphins and Whales, including conscious breathing techniques.





4.Over Fishing

Micro plastic (pieces smaler than 5mm) have become a major threat to marine life. Baleen whales are especially at risk because they ingest big gulps of water during filter feeding.

How can we help?

Insist that your local government places a ban on production of small plastics and single use plastic bags. Avoid buying anything wrapped in plastic. reduce the use of chemicals and by-products containing micro-beads.

Noise, like ship traffic, sonar, seismic testing (air gun blasts for gas and oil, using high-powered air guns every 10 seconds) blasting is between 200 and 240 decibels and can travel for 3000km at a low frequency, affecting all marine life in its path of destruction, it disrupts whale migration, navigtion, breeding cycles and communication.

Sonar is low rolling sound-waves, which can reach 235 decibels. The world's loudest rock bands top out at 130 decibels.

Sonar sound waves travel for hundreds of kilometers under water and retain an intensity of 140 decibels as far as 300 kilometers from the source.

Submarine sonar exercises has been linked to several high-profile mass strandings.

There have been at least 12 beaked Whale mass stranding events which coincided with naval exercises.

Research has shown that Beaked Whales stop foraging for food in the area where mid-frequency sonar is being used.

Beaked Whales need to dive deep to the Ocean floor to feed, sadly when Whales are exposed to sonar they want to return to the surface of the Ocean too quickly and effectively get the bends, or decompression sickness which causes nitrogen bubbles to enter the bloodsteam causing heaemorrhaging and damage to their vital organs.

According to the WCD climate change is one of the biggest threats whales are faced with.

Dolphins and Whales may not have time to adapt to the fast changes of our climate.

Increase in Sea temperatures, rise in sea-level, acidification of the Ocean and a decline in natural food sources all threaten dolphins and whales, who now also have to compete for food sources due to habitat loss.

Over fishing occurs when fishermen catch fish faster than stocks can replenish.

Whales and Dolpins rely on fish stock like sardines or chinook salmon preferred by Salish Sea resident Orcas.

Bycatch is when other Sealife is caught with wanted fish species.

Hundreds and thousands of Sea Turtles and Cetaceans are killed this way.

Always choose to travel with eco-conscious tour operators, know where your food comes from and travel lighly on our planet.

To Hear the Ocean Sing,

Rising waves of majestic tunes,

like it used to be, since Ancient Times,

Our new song to rise from ocean depths

this is my deepest wish.

To See the Sun Dance

into clear, pure, Ocean homes

This is my most vivid dream.

To Inhale only the purest Air,

when my feet touch the beach

This is why I walk.

To taste only the Joy

of knowing ,

Whales and Dolphins

are alive, free and guarded

by US for allways.

This is my dream for Humanity

To befriend the Whales and Dolphins once again,

To sing our joy-heart-song when we notice them,

For they are the ones who Fly beyond Time.

-Charissa Delphi





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