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  Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Integrative Massage is  a beautiful and tranquil means of connecting and healing.


 Through touch, I sense underlying tension patterns in the body.


Massage improves function, circulation, brings about healing, nurturing and restored balance.



A cocoon-like space awaits, where I incorporate the principals of Lomi-Lomi and Tai-chi 


Massage include the use of Botanicals to restore and rejuvenate the body. 


In today's fast-paced world, Massage is not a luxury, it is a necessity.


Deep Relaxation is not the only benefit of Massage Therapy.


With every massage you will also improve your immune response and T-cell production.


Integrative Massage relieves pain due to improved function, toxin removal and improved circulation in the body.


As Therapist's our positive thoughts and healing intentions induce a receptive state for healing.


You may notice your Breath regulating itself  while receiving Massage Therapy.


Your  Heart-rate and circulation will improve and the systolic and diastolic blood pressure regulate.


A significant decrease in symptoms of anxiety and mood disturbances as well as insomnia, structural misalignments, chronic fatigue and inflammation may be experienced


In combination with Counselling and Laser Therapy, Massage Therapy can significantly reduce the dosage of prescription medication.


Improved function of the organ system is experienced even to the point of steadily being weaned off certain medication, under supervision.


Massage Therapy plays a vital role and is highly recommended during stroke rehabilitation.


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Health is our greatest wealth.

A Magical Life awaits.


Dive even deeper by joining our Magical Retreat



Thanks for connecting!

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