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Charissa Anjali Wellness Laser image updated June 2024.png

laser light Therapy

laser light therapy

Let me help you heal pain, stiffness and inflammation.


Laser light generates a photo-chemical response in damaged tissue through a process called photo-bio-stimulation.


This process stimulates healing on a cellular level by enabling cells to rapidly produce ATP  (Energy).


Cold Lasers are designed to deliver painless, non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatment for a diverse range of human and animal ailments.


The Laser device combines the most effective type of electromagnetic radiation and simultaneously provides penetrative impacts of coherent light, in combination with stabilising the client's biomagnetic field.


The Rikta device, designed in Russia, is used to treat cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urological, broncho-pulmonary, gastro-intestinal, stomatological, dermal, oncological, endocrine, nervous-system and trauma conditions.



Below are just some of the conditions and treatments I offer:




Rheumatism is an umbrella term used to describe a group of inflammatory conditions.

Inflammation can occur in the joints, tendons, muscle, ligaments, cartilage, fat, connective tissue or membranes.


There are different kinds of Rheumatism like, gout, osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis depending on the location and cause of the inflammation.   


What causes Rheumatism?


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. Under healthy circumstances the body will make anti-bodies to fight off inflammation (bacteria and viruses) but in the case of Rheumatoid arthritis the immune system attacks healthy body tissue and works against itself.





Neurological pain:


Neurological pain occurs when a nerve has become diseased or damaged

Neurological pain is often accompanied by a pins-and-needles sensation or a numbness.

Nerve pain can be located in a limb, the spinal cord or the brain.

Neurological pain is often the result of an injury or obstruction along the spinal cord or the nerves attached to the spinal cord.


Neurological pain can also be caused by viruses like the Bell's Palsy virus or the shingles virus that causes a painful rash. Shingles typically looks like a single stripe of blisters that wraps around the left or right side of the torso. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus-the same virus that causes chickenpox.


Neurological pain can also feel like hot water dripping down a limb, electric shocks,  or a burning sensation.


Back and neck pain:


Back and neck pain can be caused by injury to the spine, joints, muscles, nerves or ligaments surrounding the spine.


Degenerative conditions like Rheumatic conditions have a deep seated effect on spinal and connective tissue health.

Back and neck pain can be the result of slipped or herniated discs, stenosis, spondylosis or myelopathy.


Sometimes pain can be felt in one area but originate from another area in the body, this is called referred pain, especially when one area compensates for another area due to diminished function in that area.




Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal condition that amplifies the way the brain processes pain, leaving pain receptors in overdrive.


The condition induces fatigue, wide-spread pain, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, headaches and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and even deep grief.


A sharp increase of fibromyalgia pain may be experienced during professionally or emotionally challenging situations.


Fibromyalgia presents us with a picture of deep systemic immune system malfunction


Stroke Recovery & Prevention:


A stroke is identified by numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg. You may have trouble seeing, speaking or feel confused, experience dizziness, balance problems, trouble walking or severe headache without cause.You may faint or experience a seizure.

Several days before a stroke patients may experience, tingling, headaches or numbness or even mini-strokes as early warning signs that a major stroke is on it's way.


A stroke is increased by high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and blood vessel disease or any conditions that may cause a blood clot to form. Heart valve disease, arterial fibrillation and carotid artery disease are all risk factors.


A transient Ischemic attack (TIA) is a pre-stroke. This is a smaller stroke caused by a temporary clot which was quickly resolved. These clots still have  a major effect on the brain due to possible oxygen deprivation.Immediate medical care is vital if you notice these signs. Observe the 4.5 hour rule at onset of a stroke in order to receive medicated IV tPA (intravenous tissue plasminogen activator) this may prevent long term motor loss and break cloths up quickly.


A stroke can be caused by a narrowed blood vessel, bleeding or a clot that blocks blood flow.





Start therapy as soon as possible after a stroke in order to regain mobitlity and function


Reduce your cholesterol levels, improve arterial health and stick to a mediteranean diet with fish instead of meat in order to prevent further strokes.




Artherosclerosis is the build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances in and around arterial walls. These substances are called plaque and cause a narrowing of the arteries , which induce high blood-pressurewhich in turn increases the force of blood against arterial walls. 



Laser Therapy is applied for:


Covid-19 symptoms and adverse effects of vaccination.


  • Joint and bursa pain

  • Gasroenterological diseases

  • IBS

  • Cancer associated pain

  • Inflammatory skin diseases

  • Urogenital diseases

  • Traumas

  • Children’s diseases

  • Disease of the Endocrine System

  • Stimulation of tissue growth and repair

  • Prostate health

  • Menopausal hormonal balancing

  • Lupus

  • Youthful ageing


Laser Therapy is non-invasive with minimal side-effects.


It is inexpensive compared to surgery, accessible and an inexpensive  treatment compared to immunosuppressive and corticosteroidal drugs.




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