- The value of Stewardship -
which is to Serve and to Honour to Protect and Care for
To live on the Earth at this moment in time is very exciting, we are presented with the opportunity to add our developed gifts to the potential for rebuilding Paradise on Earth, an exercise well worth practicing in order to apply it to wherever we may travel on the Earth or beyond.
A noble focus, to streamline our time wisely and contribute towards healing ourselves, our community and the planet.
On such a path we may develop certain faculties of perception, a deepened empathic response and renewed insights, with which to serve.
Lifetimes of development, on many levels, lead to this very ripe moment.
Sustained care for life on Earth, without a living, loving connection to the life forms, is just an abstract concept.
To Kokua and care for our environment is an act of conscious participation with it. Striving to reach the highest goals for humanity is to Kulia i Ka nu'u.
Conservation means to live in connected ways. It is active acts of participation, love and appreciation.
Conservation implies an empathic response (Iohe) to our environment.
To Conserve implies to protect, to love and to listen ( Ho'olohe au), because the Universe is always speaking to us.
Love opens the doors of perception.
Joy is a love-letter of gratitude.
To listen (ho'olohe) means to realize that our actions have implications and may come at a high cost to our environment.
Minimizing our plastic pollution and chemical waste impact may support other small Islands, due to the effects on global warming, rising sea levels and coral bleaching.
Our actions in Africa affect the lives of people living and loving on small Islands in the pacific Ocean.
Traditional cultures often live in close connection to nature and practice non-invasive fishing methods, yet their lives are threatened by activities and practices in other larger countries far away from them.
We are all connected by Ocean currents.
Projected changes in the wave climate superimposed on SLR (sea level rise)will rapidly increase flooding on small islands.
Small Island marine eco-systems are negatively impacted by our overall human activity and plastic pollution amplifies the vulnerability of Island people.
High population reduction with an extinction risk of 100% for endemic species within insular biodiversity hotspots have been identified from the Carribean to the Pacific Islands.
We all love the Islands and the peace and beauty they provide us as sacred earth gardens, yet we are unaware of how our actions off-Island may impact the longevity of our favourite holiday destinations.
Severe coral bleaching has been observed around many small Islands, especially those in the Pacific and indian Oceans.Above 1.5 degrees C may lead to a projected loss of 70-905 reef-building corals, with 99% of corals being lost under 2 degrees C warming .
Projected changes in acidity and fresh water stress are occuring on small islands.Coastal land loss and increased aridity contributes to food and water insecurities.
Pacific Island Countires could experience a > 50 % decline in fish catch under both a RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 scenario.
Small Islands present the most urgent need for investment in capacity building and adaptation strategies like better governance and legal reforms, education and awareness programs, access to climate information,embedding indigenous knowledge and local knowledge,integrating cultural resources into decision-making plans in order to bring about climate resilient development.
Our food choices matter.
With Oceaneers as a partner we raise awareness about how our food choices impact on Marine life and Marine eco-systems. You may find out more about Oceaneers and their contribution towards raising awareness about the impact of our food choises at Oceaneers.com
Our shared purpose is to eat for the welfare of our Oceans and our Planet in mind.Food, especially meat and fish- packaging choices and reducing the production chain when it comes to our food choices play a major role in Ocean conservation.
To think before we eat, think about where our food was sourced, farming involved in the process, packaging materials chosen, delivery and storage methods used and overall cost and environmental impact of big supply chains.
How much love was involved in every step of the food chain, before it reaches our table and how many nutrients are still intact by the time the food reaches our plates?
Our food choises matter.
The aquatic food chain is a densely concentrated source of nourishment but also of heavy metal toxins, pollutants, industrial chemical waste and hormone overloads,not to mention that 40% of the fish caught globally is discarded as by-catch. The effects of trawling industries leave a massive scar on our marine-life eco-systems.
How can we help?
Heartsong Healing Retreats support local fishing communities, refrain from plastic use and have a focus on marine-life education and human-animal interdependant harmony.
We shift the concept of animals as food, to animals as friends.
60% of the animals on our planet are considered food, 36% are livestock and only 4 % are wild animals. 46% of global harvesting is used for livestock farming and an estimated 91% of amazonian destruction is caused by livestock farming.
The numbers just do not add up in terms of our real nutritional requirements in relation to what it takes to supply these requirements.
Less consumption, more mindfulness, fewer medical bills. Intentional resonant creation.
Dream heaven (Nalani) on Earth, we Intend to create it.

In reality there is no separation between Man and Nature.
This is very clear to me when I am walking in a forest or swimming in the sea. I feel one with my experience and a natural desire to take off my shoes and let my feet kiss the earth, this is only natural.
Our natural state of being is joyful celebration and play with life and sharing our gifts. Something very simple which leads us to the extraordinary.
Whether your Intention is to co-create Heaven on Earth, or you desire helping others embody more joy and become part of the Magic, or if you want to learn more about the powerful principals of deep pleasure, through connection with other like-hearted travelers, then the next step for you is to join our Hawaii Retreat.

I believe we can only do this by reintroducing ourselves to our natural state.
We can not accomplish this meeting from a distance.
We have to go the distance to repair these deep wounds.
We also have to regard these wounds as real, for if they are not why should we bother? If the Earth is no longer seen as a real living, giving soul then what would be the point of protecting her?
If she is dead material matter alone then why care about her welfare? This is the great lie of the Material world view.
It is only when we can see the natural world as unique, living, breathing forms of life, different from our own, that we can get to know and appreciate it afresh, or enter into relationship with it.
It is only out of such a meeting that humility is born and service becomes the goal instead of taking what we need for ourselves only.

Sharing the joy of seeing or meeting wild creatures in nature can not remain a mere recreational activity for moments of beautiful photos.
Our Love implies a much deeper sense of what needs to be preserved. In this way the connection is really activating and amplifying our sense of life, sense of wellbeing, sense of relationship and sense of responsibility.
Meeting the wild Dolphins of Hawaii meant I needed to develop new faculties enabling me to listen to their message for humanity.
It was as though the cetaceans knew their evolution will depend on our meeting, and my listening to their message for humanity. It was as though they were calling out to someone who would be receptive, to go beyond the mere love of recreation, as though they know their lives dependent on such conscious encounters and our lives and evolution depend on it as well.
To meet them is to become custodians of their Ocean home and to hear their cries for help.
It became clear to me after spending many hours in the water with wild dolphins that their evolution is affected by meeting us on their terms, which in turn affects our own evolution and development as well.
In Ancient times this connection and sense of rightness to interact with nature was a natural given state, now it has become a conscious choice and a clear statement of Intent.